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"A nuclear Iran will provide global terrorism with
the protective shield that al-Qaeda never had."
The Rise of Nuclear Iran is a global threat that is being underestimated. The immediate consequence of Iran crossing the nuclear threshold will be the advent of a nuclear umbrella over the international terrorist forces to which Tehran gives sanctuary and support. Emboldened by this new protection, pro-Iranian groups, like Hizbullah, that are today already positioned in Latin America, Central Europe, and in the oil-rich Persian Gulf, will be able to strike with a sense of impunity that al-Qaeda could only dream of back on 9/11. Read more about the nuclear threat...


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The Continuing Projection of Iranian Power and Western Policy Options:
Latest Developments and Analyses



Dore Gold Discusses the Nuclear Threat on Fox News

Israel Weighs Iranian Threat
Dore Gold on CNN

Dore Gold Warns about Iran on MSNBC

Dore Gold at the Heritage Foundation on Sept. 1

Maps Portraying the Iranian Threat

  • Iranian Political-Military Involvement
  • Iran's Growing Missile Capabilities
  • Praise for The Rise of Nuclear Iran

    "Ever since the issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions hit the headlines, the task of shaping a response to that looming threat to regional stability has been hampered by the belief that the choices available are limited to pre-emptive war or pre-emptive surrender to the Khomeinist regime. In this authoritative study, Dore Gold, one of Israel's leading strategic thinkers, shows that other choices may be available, especially now that the regime in Tehran is facing a growing domestic opposition."
        -Amir Taheri, author of The Persian Night, and former editor of Kayhan, is also a frequent contributor to the New York Post,Wall Street Journal, and other publications

    "Dore Gold�s The Rise of Nuclear Iran -- How Tehran Defies the West provides a dire warning: Despite the current problems raging in the Middle East, the worst may have yet to come. The Islamic Revolution that started in Tehran in 1979 has given birth to �an octopus� with tentacles that have grown to stretch far beyond Iran�s borders."
        -James Zumwalt, HumanEvents.com


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